Have you thanked your employees recently?
We all know how difficult these past two years have been for everyone. A little gratitude and thankfulness for your team can go a long way in promoting a healthy workplace. For showing up, doing their job, filling in where necessary, especially during the pandemic.

Benefits Of Thanking An Employee For Doing Their Job
Employees will actually want to come to work
Great motivator - better than performance-related pay
Costs nothing
Increases employee wellbeing - results in happier & healthier employees
Boosts employee self-esteem
Employees tend to go beyond their job description
Improves relationships at work
More positive organizational culture
Improves employee retention
Being grateful reduces manager’s stress, improves the manager’s health
Nobody wants to work for an ungrateful boss
How To Show Gratitude (Thankfulness)
Be authentic
Acknowledge small things as well as big achievements
Do it often
Say thank you as soon as possible after the achievement or event
Use email or thank you cards, as well as verbal thank yous
